Gelli Park Bowls Club
Free coaching
Free membership for under 18's
Reduced membership for new members.
New members always welcome.
Gelli Park Bowls Club
Intro / Home page
Main - About Page
Club Honours / History
Membership Information and Application Form
Playing bowls
Bowling Green Etiquette
Costs of playing bowls
Possession of the Rink / Players Roles
Members Section & Club Fixtures
Players pages
Coaches: Code of Conduct Agreement Form
Players: Code of Conduct Agreement Form
Leagues Web Sites
Club Management
Club News / What's on
Parental Consent Forms
Online - Parent / Guardian - Consent Form
Consent Forms
Policies & Procedures
Videos /Photos
Old Club Photos
Coaching Videos
Intro / Home page
Parental Consent Forms
Online - Parent / Guardian - Consent Form
Parent / Guardian - Consent Form
Name *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Address *
Address *
Contact Telephone number *
Post code *
Email address
Medical information - Any specific medical conditions requiring medical treatment and/or medication? [ If Yes please give details ] *
Any allergies? [ If Yes please give details ] *
Allergy details
Doctors *
Doctors/ telephone number *
Contact Telephone number in case of emergency *
Name and relationship *
Parent / Guardian *
I, being parent/guardian of the above named child hereby give permission for the Team Manager to give the immediately necessary authority on my behalf for any medical or surgical treatment recommended by competent medical authorities, where it would be contrary to my son/daughter's interest, in the doctor's medical opinion, for any delay to be incurred by seeking my personal consent.
Code of conduct *
I have read the Code of Conduct and agree that my child should abide by this whilst in the care of the club and I understand that a serious or continued breach of this code may result in my child being sent home early at my expense.
Parental Consent
Parental Consent (to be signed for competitors under 18 years) I confirm that I have received the details of the above activity and consent to my child taking part in the visits and activities indicated. *
I acknowledge that the club will be liable in the event of any accident only if they have failed to take reasonable steps in their duty of care for my child during the trip. I understand that the staff has a common law duty to act in the capacity of a reasonably prudent parent.
Name of ( Consenting parent / guardian ) *
Date *
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